不斷研究自己跟他人的命盤 發現了好多秘密 呵呵 讓我也決定 先寫出自己的命盤了 接續之後 會是我身邊的朋友  不過都是全英文的
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces 

Your astrological combination confers upon you the gifts of gentleness and imagination. Your nature is dreamy and impractical, and you are often in a state of anxiety, warding off the demons of your own imagination. During your restful moments, your prophetic nature can express itself through your personality. You have strong religious tendencies and philanthropic, sympathetic inclinations. In love your feelings are deep and active. Your sympathy and mildness help assure harmony in family life. The key to a more integrated self lies in playing up the cheerful elements of your personality. With more self- confidence, your ever-present anxiety should lessen noticeably.

Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in the Tenth House


At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Pisces was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Neptune is located in the tenth house.


Usually, because of the dual nature of this sign, your experiences seem always to oscillate between two extremes. Emotionally, you may become confounded and perplexed when your soul is torn between opposite attractions. Your temperament is, nevertheless, kindly and able to appreciate the most subtle emotional experiences.


You are inclined to introverted living - reserved and retiring. You would do well to gear your life to occupations where your creativeness can be expressed freely.


Your life will be replete with flux and change, and yet this will not be a source of annoyance as you are most adaptable to situations.


Essentially, you are expansive, guided by intuition and emotion, and falling very easily into elated or depressive moods.


You have a natural ability to perceive from unknown sources where the mind does not intervene. Such an ability, unfortunately, is usually misunderstood or has little application in life. If you do become involved in art, however, there are very good prospects for success as a painter, musician, writer, or poet.


Your sexual life will be highly varied and intense. When you fall in love, you feel as if the limitations of your personality are dissolving and you are receptive to everything that exists.


You need a strong hand to protect you and lead you into the practical world. Generally, you have inclinations and tendencies for the following: professions dealing with occult matter or mediumships, religion, seafaring, acting, psychometry, clairvoyance, painting, poetry, mysticism, and espionage.


The ruler of your life events, Neptune, here, is an indication that you may find it hard to determine definite goals in your life. Most of your effort will be expanding climbing the social ladder by obscure and mystical methods, and it might be difficult to obtain material success. 

Moon in the First House


The Moon is in the first house. This position indicates that you are strongly influenced by your feelings and moods.


Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life.


Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others.


The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires.


In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and this makes you ideally suited for working with the public.


Note: The Moon is technically near the end of house 12 and is therefore interpreted in house 1. 

Moon Conjunct Ascendant


The Moon conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have some emotional hangups. You want close, intimate contacts with others, but you tend to keep people at arm's length because you are afraid you will become obligated to them.


You are a mass of contradictions - making demands on people but complaining when they do the same to you; expecting others to make overtures to you and withdrawing when they do. Although you are highly imaginative, you react to stimulating people in a generally negative and critical way.


On the surface you are independent, but you yearn for a quieter role in which you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that someone really cares for you. This can only happen when you lower your defensive barriers and learn to compromise by meeting people halfway. 

Sun in the Ninth House


The Sun was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. This is an indication that your real self possesses an attraction to higher levels of thought. Additionally, this indicates that the most important realizations may come through the process of pure reasoning.


You will tend to grow through the workings of your higher mind where you may find, after much striving, the creative principle and the power of self-expression.


You possess a rather austere mind which is fearless, self-confident and keenly analytical.


Regarding life events, you will be inclined to obtain success in subjects connected with law, religion, and possibly foreign lands. 

Saturn in the Ninth House


Saturn was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. This indicates that your concern over the impermanence of all things will urge you to restrict your personality traits and assume a position of caution and planning before pursuing any important matter.


In a practical sense, your attitude to all higher intellectual functions is that of a studious, serious, and meditative person. You must, however, be attentive to the possible presence of several challenging elements in your intellectual make-up such as depression, fear, and severity. 

Venus in the Tenth House


Venus was found in the tenth house at the time of birth.


You will appear as a person who seeks harmony, inclined as you are to observe the aesthetic value of all things in life, to engage in artistic activities and to possess all that is lovely and beautiful. You have sufficient potential to achieve success in life, especially if your occupation is artistic or musical.


Much of your success is a consequence of applied interest and hard work; you posses merit and ability, and your congenial, intelligent manner produces a very exalted image.


In any case, there are very good possibilities for the acquisition of some social distinction, a good reputation and financial success at some period of your life.

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